EU 261 Flight Delay Compensation: Know Your Rights

EU 261 Flight Delay Compensation: Know Your Rights


After the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of flights are getting delayed and cancelled as a security measure. But this pandemic has not disturbed the air passengers rights that protects travellers from the mismanagement of the airline or flight disruption during their travel, hence we are here to guide you about your air passenger rights which you can utilise at the time of flight delay and we can also help you get the flight compensation up to €600.

Let us find out if you are eligible for flight delay compensation under EU261 regulation:

Answer This Before You Claim

For good reasons, we need to get the facts checked to know whether you are eligible for flight delay compensation. Answer these questions before proceeding for claiming process.

Has my flight got delayed for more than 3 hours?

If your answer is “YES” then Congratulations! You are eligible for flight delay compensation. You can claim for flights you took in the past 6 years and get money back from your airline as compensation against disrupted flight.

Flight Delay: Know the reason of delay

We know that there are so many reasons for which flight gets delayed and many of them are covered in the EU guidelines and some are not. If the delay is responsibility of the airline, then you are eligible for flight delay compensation and if delay happens because of ‘extraordinary circumstances’, you may not be eligible for flight delay compensation.

What are Extraordinary Circumstances?

Under the EU 261 passenger regulation, ‘extraordinary circumstances’ are considered those situations which are not in airlines’ control such as – severe weather conditions, air traffic, radar failure, emergencies, political unrest and so on.

If it is extraordinary circumstances then, airline is not liable to pay you any flight delay compensation and if the reason of your flight delay is beside ‘extraordinary circumstance’, then you may be eligible for flight compensation up to €600.

Flight Delay Compensation: How Much Will You Get?

Flight delay compensation depends upon the distance that your flight has covered and for how many hours it has been delayed. Depending some factors, you will be eligible to get the compensation.

Lets look at the eligibility criteria for the flight delay compensation:


Get Compensation For Flight Delay

We, at refundme.in, protect air passenger rights and help passengers get the flight compensation that they are entitled to get. refundme.in is now serving 5 jurisdiction including – Europe, India, Canada, Turkey, Ukraine. If your flight was delayed, you can come to us and we will help you get the flight compensation faster.

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