
No, This is not a eligible trip. No Compensation is due

Business Insider
BW Disrupt

No Win - No Fee

The Economic Times

How it works

Our easy and quick service

Enter your flight details

Start the widget and enter your flight details. The compensation calculator will check your claim against the airline and you can log your details with refund.me India.

We claim your compensation

Airlines are often reluctant to pay out the compensation. We enforce your rights and if needed even go to court on your behalf without any additional costs.

You get paid out

You will receive the payout to your bank account minus our fee. We work on a strict no win, no fee basis – if we don’t win than our services are free of charge.

Your air passenger rights

In case your flight was cancelled, delayed or overbooked your Rights to Compensation are protected by India’s civil aviation requirement


India’s Civil Aviation Requirements apply if you have been flying from, to or within India – regardless of the operating airline or your nationality. In case your flight is also eligible to compensation under the Indian rules we will choose whichever regulation promises you a higher compensation.

Covered flight problems

The ICAR provides compensation rules for cancelled flights or if you were denied boarding. In case your flight was delayed no monetary compensations are designated – in contrast to the Indian regulations.

Compensation amount

Since the regulation was updated in August 2016, the maximum compensation amount has risen upto ₹20,000.00. The exact amount is dependable on a number of factors. refund.me India will always get the best possible payback for you.

Exceptional circumstances

If the reasons for flight cancellations or delays are beyond the control of the airline, they can resort to exceptional circumstances and deny accountability. However, airlines often claim extraordinary circumstances while they would actually have to pay you out. With refund.me India at your side you have the best help you could ask for.


Our Happy Clients

Our Services

Denied Boarding

Flight Cancellation

Flight Delay

Air Passengers